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Yes, we have a XRF Specialist in our house!

Summer school extraordinair

Just before Summer I passed the XRF exams!   During the cours of two weeks, I had intensive theory- and  practical classes followed by an exam. Throughout these classes I was introduced to the magical world of radioactivity and all legislation around this subject.

XRF  is an analytical technique that uses the interaction of X-rays with a material to determine its elemental composition. XRF is suitable for solids, liquids and powders, in our case we use it to analyse our PVC materials for material composition.  We covered topics like types of radioactive radiation, radioactive sources, and legislation.  If you would love to read more, I would recommend you to visit this site!

We can assure you the quality of our PVC

Now that I’m a certified XRF specialist, I’m  allowed to work with the device (XRF), and will be able to detect heavy metals and other materials of concern. We can assure our customers the quality of our recycled PVC even more and avoid any hazardous material.

We’re using the Fundamental Parameter (FP) Calculations for all common heavy elements in plastics including all RoHS elements (Dd, Pb, Hg, Br, CR), as well as CL, Ca, Sr, Ni, Sb, as, Se, Ba etc. As soon as the permit is granted, I will start doing measurements in the whole chain to make sure only high-quality goods will leave our facility.