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Floor Return Gives PVC cuts a new life

Cotap launched Floor Return

Cotap launched Floor Return in the summer of 2022. A recycling program through which the cutting remnants of dryback and click PVC (without cork) are collected and recycled into new material. We have a large stake in this project and are extremely proud to have been a contributing partner in the process and to be able to recycle the cuttings into a new raw material.

Cotap started Vloerretour out of the belief that stewardship encourages the company to leave the least possible ecological footprint on earth. They believe it is important that future generations also have a green and healthy earth to live on. We completely agree with this vision.

Bravo! Cotap enables its customers to make a greener choice more easily!

Together we’re making the world a little greener!

Over 400 enthusiastic stores have already become Vloerretour dealers and this number is growing every week. We have now recycled 244,000 kilograms of PVC, which is more than the weight of 200 cars combined! A fantastic number that we are secretly quite proud of. Together we’re making the world a little greener. Moreover, this process also saves significantly in landfill costs. Two birds with one stone!


Use the link for more information about Cotap Floor Return!